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Alpha Test Progress

March 30, 2011

* Edit * Łukasz Berezowski has now become my 4th donor.  There is still one more spot available in the “Foundation donors” section of the credits screen. If this appeals to you act now, but there is no need to panic, as I continue to guarantee spots for anyone who donates before I create another new post on this blog (edits like this don’t count).

First I’d like to thank Ransith Fernando for donating to the project. Possibly this was an act of sympathy given that Ransith’s team (Sri Lanka) knocked my team (New Zealand) out of the cricket world cup last night. Ransith is the third donator and he will receive credit in Tarrasch V2’s credits screen. The first two donators can already be seen in the Alpha version’s credits screen. Maybe I should issue a reminder that this is my “foundation donor” scheme, which will acknowledge the first five donors in this way. Go to and look for the donate button if you are interested. In case you are worried that there are only two spots left, and that you may miss out because others will see this reminder too, I’ll guarantee spots for anyone who donates before I create another new post here.

Moving right along a gentlemen (or gentle lady) named “Xanntox” from Germany writes (by email);

I really like the new version and it’s working fine.
Some comments:
– Games -> Current File: Deleting files does not work
– Edit -> Delete commented text or remainder of the variation: Doesn’t do anything. Pressing del works.
– It is not possible to delete the 1st move for white (ok, not sure if anyone wants to do that…)
– It is not possible to insert a comment before the first move (it is possible to insert a comment before the first move is made and then edit it later…). This would be useful ;).

Now this is really good stuff, and I must say I had been hoping to get a lot more specific, coherent, useful bug reports like this one. Having said that I don’t understand the first point at all, and some clarification of that would be nice.

I am going to give another example of the kind of thing I’d like to receive. I’ll write this one myself, based on my most recent real world usage; I wanted to simply create a .pgn with my latest club game;

Attempted task: create a .pgn with one game.
1) Start Tarrasch, enter moves, enter Commands->Draw to indicate game was a draw.
2) Click file save icon
3) Enter game details including game result [problem #1, the result field has not picked up the draw result]
4) Enter a new filename when prompted, click okay
5) Exit Tarrasch [problem #2, wrongly prompted to save game, I already did save the game!]
6) Have a look at file with text editor. Problem #3 [a big one!], all the game details are corrupt.

I was shocked my this, and it’s embarrassing to report it here. I remind myself – It’s a pre-beta version, I hardly tested it at all before releasing it, and it does most of the things I expect it to do pretty well.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. james patterson permalink
    April 11, 2011 3:04 am

    i would like a copy of Tarrasch v2.

  2. April 17, 2011 12:02 am

    First of all,
    Thank you very much for your hard work on this really impressive (and useful) piece of software.
    I would really like you to e-mail me an alpha version of Tarrasch GUI 2.0 so I can test it.
    Also, if you do not have this feature, I would really like to see an engine annotation option.
    It should work like this: engine goes through the game and provides its own line when move played in the game is worth than engine’s best at a specified delta. For example, somebody plays a move and engine’s evaluation becomes 2.1 while the best move is -.7

    • April 17, 2011 3:35 am

      Thanks for your kind words. I am interested in your proposed engine annotation feature, but as stated it does not [quite] make sense. Could you please edit or rewrite the sentence befining with “It should work like this:”. Thanks.

  3. April 17, 2011 6:24 pm

    OK, I’ve made three screenshots of how this feature works in scid.

    You can see them there:

    They are named Ann_1, Ann_2, Ann_3.
    It works like this:
    1. Open .pgn file
    2. Select Analysis Engine (See screenshot Ann_1)
    3. Specify delta (also called threshold) (See Screenshot Ann_2)
    4. Specify time engine spends 0n each move
    5. Specify other (less important options)
    6. Engine starts looking over the game
    7. If move I (or my opponent) played in the game changes engine evaluation by more than specified delta engine provides its own, better line (See screenshot Ann_3 for output)

    Thank you very much for considering this feature as for me it is the most often used analysis mode.

    • April 18, 2011 3:29 am

      Thanks, now I understand. I cannot promise when I will add this, but I will certainly include it in the queue of future features.

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